5 Tips When Learning a New Musical Instrument

If you are a fan of music and have seen rock stars performing, then you’ve probably been inspired to learn a new instrument. Some people are born musically inclined and start playing the guitar or getting behind a drum set at an early age. Others have their strengths in different areas and may need a little more training to master an instrument.

But whether you have a musical background or not, learning to play a new instrument is possible. If you’re thinking about learning to (or already trying to) play a new instrument, here are some tips that can help.

Take lessons

The internet is full of video tutorials, chord lists, and tips. But sometimes, self-learning neglects to point out bad habits or mistakes that hinder mastery and skill-building. There’s still nothing like learning from someone who has mastered the instrument for years. An experienced music teacher can guide you through the process and put you on the right path.

Buy your own instrument

If you enroll in guitar, bass, or drum lessons, the school or institution can most likely provide an instrument for you to use. But once you’ve got the hang of the basics, you should consider purchasing an instrument of your own. Mastering how to play an instrument requires a lot of practice. So it would be helpful to have a set you can use at home.

Since you’re only beginning to learn, it’s ideal to settle for cheaper options first. Don’t go overboard by buying an expensive professional guitar just yet. Many beginners make this mistake only to end up losing interest and wasting a ton of money. You can purchase a high-end brand once you’ve successfully built and honed your skills. But in the meantime, a preloved instrument will do the trick.


playing guitar

As most people say, practice makes perfect. Learning to play a new instrument requires your time, effort, and dedication. Try to allocate a few minutes a day to practice the new skills your teacher taught you. Consider it as a new hobby that you don’t mind spending time on.

But be careful not to overdo it. If you force yourself or put too much pressure into learning a new instrument, you’ll risk associating it with negative emotions. When that happens, you’ll lose motivation and interest. Know your limits and avoid exhausting yourself. Take a break, breathe, and try it again the next day.

Play songs you love

There are a lot of songs that use the magic four chords that just cycle throughout the entire song. For beginners, it’s helpful to learn the generic pieces first. But to ignite your passion and desire to learn the instrument, choose to practice on your favorite songs. Even the most complex pieces have alternative basic chords that sound the same, more or less.

Be patient with yourself

Learning a new instrument takes a lot of time and practice. After all, you can’t learn a new skill overnight. You need to dedicate your efforts towards mastering it and molding your talents. When it comes to learning the piano, guitar, or cello, there are always new tips and tricks for you to explore. That’s why even rock stars continue to build their raw talents.

So it’s important to be patient with yourself. It may be frustrating to start slow, but it’s going to be worth it.

Learning a new instrument is an exciting feat. But it also involves dedication and motivation. Take these tips, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a pro.

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