The Importance of an Outstanding High School Education for Your Future

As high school students, we may only associate school with burdensome homework, projects, and other assignments, and the fun only lies in our friendships, extra-curricular clubs.

While it’s completely normal for teens to desire leisure more than studying, it may be detrimental for their future if they won’t establish a balance between their social lives and education. An outstanding high school education, coupled with good grades, will be beneficial in their college and career journeys, so it must never be downplayed.

If you’re a high school student having problems with being motivated to study, this article may help you overcome that slump, as we’ll enlighten you on how your current education will contribute to your future.

Higher Salaries

Society may have already learned that intelligence and skill aren’t proven by diplomas alone, but one thing will remain constant: high school graduates will always be paid higher. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, young adult workers who finished high school earn over 20 – 25% higher than their peers who didn’t graduate. The higher your educational attainment, the higher your earnings will be. By striving to finish high school and graduating in college with flying colors, your financial stability may be secured.

Less Likelihood of Unemployment

People who didn’t finish high school or do not have a GED face a probability of unemployment 6% higher than their high school graduate peers. This makes their career progress slower, because unlike high school graduates, they may not be qualified to be promoted to higher positions. On the contrary, high school graduates who stay in their jobs for a considerable period are more likely to get promoted and advance in their careers faster.

Increased Knowledge and Responsibility

high school studentsWhen you actively participate in your school or university’s extra-curricular programs, your knowledge will expand, and you will acquire essential life skills such as responsibility, critical and analytical thinking, problem-solving, interpersonal skills, and more. Considering that you’ll be moving out of your family home once you reach college, seeking wider knowledge and life skills is important, as they will aid in your future independence.

Better Well-Being

Having a high school diploma will contribute to your self-confidence, which helps in maintaining good mental health. In addition, finishing high school opens more accesses to healthcare insurance, which tends to be unavailable for dropouts.

The Alliance for Health Association says that dropouts are also more likely to land on dangerous jobs that don’t follow doctors’ orders, putting them at risk for work-related injuries that they may not be properly compensated for.

Tips on Increasing Motivation to Study

Instead of scaring yourself with what your life may be like if you drop out, focus on the positive side of studying. Make a study plan that’ll help you avoid cramming; this may mean finishing the hardest tasks first, then saving the simplest ones for last. This helps you develop a more positive mindset since you’ll feel more organized and wiser at time management.

If your decreased motivation stems from lack of challenges, find a way to make your workload more stimulating. For example, if you wrote a poem for your last creative writing assignment, try writing a sonnet for the next one.

Set realistic goals to reduce pressure to complete all your requirements on time. Break your tasks down into a number of attainable goals, such as finishing one full page of a research paper per day, for example. Focusing too much on a project’s required outcome will only increase your mental exhaustion.

Surround yourself with supportive people, too; your family, friends who also motivate you to study, and mentors who can help you improve your grades. Don’t underestimate your small achievements, as well — they’ll also serve as stepping stones to a promising college and career journey.

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